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Let’s be frank about school sex education. Many classes have become unapologetically pornographic, yet many parents are unaware their kids learn dangerous messages laced with obscenity in the guise of “health education.”
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The Creepy Cookie Corrupting Our Children

"Genderbread Person" teaches inaccurate gender lessons

by Linda Harvey

Can a cookie go to jail? It’s high time we demanded a criminal indictment of the “Genderbread Person”-- and the con man claiming to be its creator.

Because it’s one more high-risk, loony idea leading to gender confusion and being unleashed everywhere on children.

Last week, I gave a presentation to public high school seniors about the harmful “LGBT” agenda. As I talked about “transgenderism,” I asked the mostly left-leaning students if they were aware that some elementary school teachers are now being trained to stop calling children “boys and girls” but instead call them “friends” or group them by color preferences.

I was surprised at the high-school class reaction. Heads shaking, disbelief, exclamations of “what?” Even they could easily see there is something deeply disturbed about such teaching.

Some teacher activists are using a prevalent but insane “infographic” gingerbread figure-- the “Genderbread Person”-- to teach little kids that self-mutilation can be a good thing.

In other words, eliminate gender and thereby create--not prevent-- mental health issues, even suicide ideation among children.

And it’s always presented-- ready for a good laugh? -- as part of “anti-bullying” programs.

ARTICLE continues HERE.