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Let’s be frank about school sex education. Many classes have become unapologetically pornographic, yet many parents are unaware their kids learn dangerous messages laced with obscenity in the guise of “health education.”
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Truth is critical to a dying patient, and America is gravely ill. Trouble is, she seems unaware that the prognosis is very grim.

All that can save her is all that has ever been able to save her--the blood of Jesus Christ. But when will comfortable Christians proclaim this truth to the nation? Shout the warnings of danger and the hope of joy from the rooftops? What will it take for the church to return to its first love?

This ministry was started in 1995 as a publication and website. We cover the latest cultural and social trends in our country and what they might mean for Christians. Our goals and ministry have only expanded and grown with frequent media appearances and speaking engagements by Linda Harvey, president and founder. (For a bio of Linda Harvey, click here. For her testimony, click here) Mrs.Harvey is a former advertising executive who became a Christian after years of being "part of the problem." Lord, forgive us.

The Mission:America web site contains frequent updates and articles. In addition, we publish a printed quarterly newsletter called "Choice 4 Truth" covering just the issue of homosexuality and youth. (If you go to our "Contact Us" page, you can put your name on our mailing list for this newsletter.)Also, we have a web site that has a section for teens and college students called "Choice 4 Truth." Click here.

We research social trends inside and outside Christianity. The picture often reveals an America that is slowly being dismembered, because the Body of Christ is becoming another creature--one made in the image of corruptible man. We need knowledge, then repentance, prayer, fasting, followed by action.

Please help us. We need your prayers and encouragement. We need news information. Please e-mail us with ideas and tips. And your financial support would always be appreciated.

God has long blessed America. Now, in His mercy, may He forgive us and heal us, too.